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author = {G{\"o}rlich, Christian F. and Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Zur Rolle der Informatik im Kontext der mehrphasigen Lehrerbildung}},
booktitle = {{{Informatik und Schule -- Informatische Fachkonzepte im Unterricht}
{INFOS 2003 -- 10.~GI-Fachtagung 17.--19.~September~2003, M{\"u}nchen}}},
year = {2003},
editor = {Hubwieser, Peter},
note = {\url{http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d44685/Informatik\_Lehrerbildung\_N.pdf}
-- gepr{\"u}ft: 22.~Februar~2011},
language = {ngerman}
author = {G{\"o}rlich, Christian F. and Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Open Source -- die R{\"u}ckkehr der Utopie?}},
booktitle = {{Open Source Jahrbuch 2005. Zwischen Softwareentwicklung und Gesellschaftsmodell}},
year = {2005},
pages = {311--327},
lastchecked = {2012-06-04},
url = {http://www.opensourcejahrbuch.de/download/jb2005/OpenSourceJahrbuch2005_online.pdf}
author = {Heming, Matthias},
title = {{Informatische Bildung mit Mobiltelefonen? Ein Forschungsbericht}},
booktitle = {{Informatik und Schule -- Zukunft braucht Herkunft -- 25~Jahre INFOS
-- INFOS~2009 -- 13.~GI-Fachtagung 22.--24.~September~2009, Berlin}},
year = {2009},
pages = {134--145},
month = {September}
author = {Heming, Matthias and Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Mobile Programming---the Usefulness of Mobile Phones for Teaching
booktitle = {{Informatics Education Contributing Across The Curriculum}},
year = {2008},
pages = {54--63},
lastchecked = {2012-05-30},
url = {http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/S500930f8/1104343}
author = {Heming, Matthias and Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Mobil Programmieren -- Neugestaltung der Lernumgebung des Informatikunterrichts
f{\"u}r die Sch{\"u}lerinnen}},
booktitle = {{Interesse wecken und Grundkenntnisse vermitteln -- 3.~M{\"u}nsteraner
Workshop zur Schulinformatik}},
year = {2008},
pages = {71--80},
language = {ngerman},
lastchecked = {2012-05-21},
url = {http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/S50093156/d1073949/2008-05-07\_MWS-MobilProgrammieren.pdf}
author = {Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Informatik lehren -- zeitgem{\"a}{\ss}e Ans{\"a}tze zur nachhaltigen
Qualifikation aller Sch{\"u}lerinnen}},
booktitle = {{{Informatik und Schule -- Informatikunterricht und Medienbildung}
{INFOS~2001 -- 9.~GI-Fachtagung 17.--20.~September~2001, Paderborn}}},
year = {2001},
editor = {Keil-Slawik, Reinhard and Magenheim, Johannes},
pages = {121--132},
lastchecked = {2012-06-10},
url = {http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/S5009324a/d23843/INFOS_2001_Informatik-lehren.pdf}
author = {Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Informatik und Gender -- nehmt die Forschungsergebnisse ernst!}},
booktitle = {{Interesse wecken und Grundkenntnisse vermitteln -- 3.~M{\"u}nsteraner
Workshop zur Schulinformatik}},
year = {2008},
pages = {81--90},
month = {Mai},
note = {\url{http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d1068247/2008-05-07\_MWS-GenderErnstNehmen.pdf}
-- gepr{\"u}ft: 24.~Februar~2011 -- erweiterte Fassung des Beitrags
siehe: \cite{HumbertPanske2010}},
language = {ngerman},
url = {http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d1068247/2008-05-07\_MWS-GenderErnstNehmen.pdf}
author = {Klafki, Wolfgang},
title = {{Grundz{\"u}ge eines neuen Allgemeinbildungskonzepts. Im Zentrum:
Epochaltypische Schl{\"u}sselprobleme}},
booktitle = {{Neue Studien zur Bildungstheorie und Didaktik: Zeitgem{\"a}{\ss}e
Allgemeinbildung und kritisch-konstruktive Didaktik}},
year = {1991},
pages = {43ff},
address = {Weinheim, Basel},
publisher = {Beltz Verlag}
author = {Tarik Ahmia},
title = {Apple wird zum Bildungsmoloch},
journal = {werkstatt.bpb.de},
year = {2012},
month = {Januar},
lastchecked = {2012-07-27},
owner = {daniel},
publischer = {Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung},
timestamp = {2012.07.29},
url = {http://werkstatt.bpb.de/2012/01/apple-wird-zum-bildungs-moloch/}
author = {{Amtsgericht G{\"o}ttingen}},
title = {{AG G{\"o}ttingen -- Urteil vom 4. Mai 2011 -- Az. 62 Ds 51 Js 9946/10}},
year = {2011},
lastchecked = {2012-07-19},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.20},
url = {http://openjur.de/u/167797.html}
author = {{Amtsgericht N{\"u}rtingen}},
title = {{AG N{\"u}rtingen -- Urteil vom 20.9.2010 -- AZ. 13 Ls 171 Js 13423/08}},
year = {2010},
lastchecked = {2012-07-19},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.20},
url = {http://lrbw.juris.de/cgi-bin/laender_rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bw&nr=13555}
author = {{Backes SRT}},
year = {2012},
title = {SRT AppGuard},
url = {http://www.backes-srt.de/produkte/srt-appguard/},
lastchecked = {2012-06-22},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.30}
author = {Bell, Tim and Fellows, Mike and Witten, Ian H.},
title = {{Computer Science unplugged}},
month = {December},
year = {2006},
lastchecked = {2012-05-26},
url = {http://csunplugged.org}
author = {BITKOM},
title = {{PC-Verk{\"a}ufe erreichen Rekordwert}},
month = {Januar},
year = {2011},
lastchecked = {2012-05-31},
url = {http://www.bitkom.org/de/presse/70851_66433.aspx}
author = {BITKOM},
title = {{Tablet Computer erobern den Massenmarkt}},
month = {Januar},
year = {2011},
lastchecked = {2012-05-31},
url = {http://www.bitkom.org/de/presse/70851_70631.aspx}
title = {{Handy ohne Risiko}},
author = {BMFSFJ},
lastchecked = {2012-07-02},
month = {Juli},
year = {2010},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.26},
url = {http://www.bmfsfj.de/RedaktionBMFSFJ/Broschuerenstelle/Pdf-Anlagen/handy-ohne-risiko-broschuere.pdf}
author = {{Borgelt und Partner}},
title = {{Jailbreak von iPhone und iPad}},
year = {2010},
lastchecked = {2012-07-19},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.19},
url = {http://www.borgelt.de/de/jailbreak-von-iphone-und-ipad.html}
author = {{Bundesgerichtshof}},
title = {{BGH -- Urteil vom 9. Juni 2004 -- Az. I ZR 13/02}},
year = {2004},
lastchecked = {2012-07-19},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.20},
url = {http://openjur.de/u/196392.html}
author = {B{\"a}r, Dorothee},
title = {{In Freiheit und Fairness, 2. Positionspapier}},
year = {2012},
note = {Dorothee B{\"a}r ist Stv. Generalsekret{\"a}rin der CSU und Vorsitzende
CSU-Netzrat und CSUnet},
bdsk-url-1 = {http://www.csu.de/dateien/partei/veranstaltungen/netzkongress12/positionspapier2\_netzrat.pdf},
date-added = {2012-03-19 23:58:18 +0000},
date-modified = {2012-03-20 00:04:57 +0000},
lastchecked = {20.03.2012},
url = {http://www.csu.de/dateien/partei/veranstaltungen/netzkongress12/positionspapier2_netzrat.pdf}
author = {Carrie, Ralph},
title = {{Einsatz mobiler Informatiksysteme im Informatikunterricht der gymnasialen
school = {Studienseminar f{\"u}r Lehr{\"a}mter an Schulen -- Seminar f{\"u}r
das Lehramt f{\"u}r Gymnasien Gesamtschulen},
year = {2006},
type = {{Hausarbeit gem{\"a}{\ss} OVP}},
address = {Hamm},
month = {Juli},
lastchecked = {2012-06-12},
url = {http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/315319}
author = {Carrie, Ralph and Heming, Matthias and Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Programmieren mit dem ">Handy"< -- Mobiltelefone als vollst{\"a}ndige
Informatiksysteme im Unterricht einsetzen. Workshop im Rahmen des
siebten Informatiktages Nordrhein-Westfalen, 10.~M{\"a}rz~2007, veranstaltet
von der GI-Fachgruppe ">Informatische Bildung in NRW"< in Kooperation
mit dem Arbeitsbereich Didaktik der Informatik der Universit{\"a}t
month = {M{\"a}rz},
year = {2008},
note = {\url{https://haspe.homeip.net/cgi-bin/pyblosxom.cgi/Didaktik\_der\_Informatik/2008-03-10\_If-Tag-NW.html}
-- gepr{\"u}ft: 8.~M{\"a}rz~2009},
language = {ngerman}
author = {Carrie, Ralph and Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Mobiltelefone in der Oberstufe. Informatikunterricht im normalen
Klassenraum -- dank Mobiltelefon und Python}},
journal = {LOG~IN},
year = {2007},
volume = {27},
pages = {19--22},
number = {145},
month = {August},
issn = {0720-8642},
language = {ngerman}
author = {Carrie, Ralph and Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Konzept Stifte und M{\"a}use auf mobilen Telefonen. Workshop im
Rahmen des sechsten Informatiktages Nordrhein-Westfalen, 20.~September~2007,
veranstaltet von der GI-Fachgruppe ">Informatische Bildung in NRW"<
in Kooperation mit dem Institut f{\"u}r ">Didaktik der Informatik
und E-Learning"< der Universit{\"a}t Siegen}},
month = {September},
year = {2007},
note = {Quellcode},
lastchecked = {2012-06-20},
url = {https://haspe.homeip.net/projekte/ddi/browser/python/S60-SuM}
title = {{Duden Informatik A--Z. Fachlexikon f{\"u}r Studium und Praxis}},
publisher = {Bibliographisches Institut},
year = {2006},
editor = {{Meyers Lexikonredaktion}},
author = {Claus, Volker and Schwill, Andreas},
address = {Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Z{\"u}rich},
edition = {4.,~{\"u}berarb.~u.~aktualis.~{A}ufl.},
month = {Februar},
isbn = {3-411-05234-1},
language = {ngerman}
author = {{Commotion Wireless Project}},
title = {{The Commotion Wireless Project}},
year = {2012},
lastchecked = {2012-07-20},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.21},
url = {http://commotionwireless.net}
author = {comScore},
title = {{Wettkampf der Smartphone-Plattformen}},
month = {may},
year = {2012},
editor = {BITKOM},
lastchecked = {2012-05-31},
url = {http://www.bitkom.org/de/presse/8477_72316.aspx}
author = {comScore},
title = {{2012 Mobile Future in Focus -- Key Insights from 2011 and What They
Mean for the Coming Year}},
year = {2012},
month = {February},
lastchecked = {2012-05-31},
publisher = {comScore, Inc.},
url = {http://www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Presentations_Whitepapers/2012/2012_Mobile_Future_in_Focus}
author = {Initiative~D21 and TNS-Infratest},
title = {{Mobile Internetnutzung}},
year = {2012},
month = {Januar},
lastchecked = {2012-05-31},
publisher = {Initiative D21},
url = {http://www.initiatived21.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Mobile_Internetnutzung_2012.pdf}
author = {DGB},
title = {{Arbeitshetze, Arbeitsintensivierung, Entgrenzung -- So beurteilen
die Besch{\"a}ftigten die Lage}},
year = {2012},
month = {M{\"a}rz},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.21}
author = {Stuart Dredge},
title = {Apple bans satirical iPhone game Phone Story from its App Store},
journal = {theguardian online},
year = {2011},
month = {September},
lastchecked = {2012-07-27},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.29},
url = {http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/appsblog/2011/sep/14/apple-phone-story-rejection}
author = {{Electronic Frontier Foundation}},
title = {{EFF Wins New Legal Protections for Video Artists, Cell Phone Jailbreakers,
and Unlockers -- Rulemaking Fixes Critical DMCA Wrongs}},
lastchecked = {2012-07-19},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.19},
url = {https://www.eff.org/press/archives/2010/07/26}
author = {Freeman, Jay},
title = {{iPhone Applications in Python}},
year = {2012},
lastchecked = {2012-07-19},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.19},
url = {http://www.saurik.com/id/5}
author = {Fuhr, Norbert},
title = {{Information Retrieval. Skriptum zur Vorlesung im Sommersemester
month = {Juni},
year = {2004},
lastchecked = {2012-07-07},
url = {http://www.is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/courses/ir_ss04/folien/irskall.pdf}
author = {Matthias Gebauer and Frank Patalong},
title = {Medien auf dem iPhone -- Aufstand gegen Apples App-Zensur},
journal = {Spiegel Online},
year = {2010},
lastchecked = {2012-07-27},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.29},
url = {http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/medien-auf-dem-iphone-aufstand-gegen-apples-app-zensur-a-679750.html}
author = {GI},
title = {Grundsätze und Standards für die Informatik in der Schule -- Bildungsstandards
Informatik für die Sekundarstufe I},
month = {Januar},
year = {2008},
lastchecked = {2012-07-26},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.26},
url = {http://www.gi-ev.de/fileadmin/gliederungen/fb-iad/fa-ibs/Empfehlungen/bildungsstandards\_2008.pdf}
author = {Graham, Scott},
year = {2010},
title = {Skulpt},
note = {Letzte Updates vom Mai 2012},
url = {http://skulpt.org},
lastchecked = {2012-07-14},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.27}
author = {Heider, Jens},
title = {{iOS Keychain Weakness FAQ -- Further Information on iOS Password
institution = {Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT)},
year = {2012},
type = {FAQ},
month = {Juli},
lastchecked = {2012-07-02},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.22},
url = {http://sit.sit.fraunhofer.de/studies/en/sc-iphone-passwords-faq.pdf}
title = {{Eine Sprache f{\"u}r beide Geschlechter -- Richtlinien f{\"u}r einen
nicht-sexistischen Sprachgebrauch}},
author = {Hellinger, Marlis and Bierbach, Christine},
lastchecked = {2012-07-01},
address = {Bonn},
year = {1993},
isbn = {3-927907-32-4},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.04},
url = {http://www.unesco.de/fileadmin/medien/Dokumente/Bibliothek/eine_sprache.pdf}
author = {Heming, Matthias},
title = {{Einsatzszenarien von Mobiltelefonen im Informatikunterricht}},
school = {Bergische Universi{\"a}t -- Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften},
year = {2009},
type = {{Masterarbeit -- Master of Education}},
address = {Wuppertal},
month = {November},
lastchecked = {2012-05-10},
url = {http://blog.familie-heming.de/?p=111}
author = {Heming, Matthias and Humbert, Ludger and R{\"o}hner, Gerhard},
title = {{Vorbereitung aufs Abitur. Abituranforderungen transparent gestalten
-- mit Operatoren}},
journal = {LOG~IN},
year = {2008},
volume = {27},
pages = {63--68},
number = {148/149},
month = {Februar},
note = {Materia},
issn = {0720-8642},
language = {ngerman},
lastchecked = {2012-06-12},
url = {http://www.log-in-verlag.de/service/2007/063-068\_Vorbereitung\_aufs\_Abitur.rar}
author = {Heming, Matthias and Spittank, Daniel},
title = {{Mobile Systeme auch im Informatikunterricht -- Kommt die Fachdidaktik
noch mit?}},
booktitle = {{Ideen und Modelle -- 5. M{\"u}nsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik
-- 7. Mai 2012}},
year = {2012},
editor = {Thomas, Marco and Weigend, Michael},
pages = {151--161},
month = may,
publisher = {Books on Demand GmbH},
isbn = {978-3-84820-181-5},
location = {Norderstedt}
author = {Matthias Holland-Letz},
title = {iPad statt Lehrbuch},
journal = {E\&W},
year = {2012},
volume = {2012},
number = {05},
month = {Mai},
lastchecked = {2012-07-27},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.29},
url = {http://www.gew.de/iPad_statt_Lehrbuch.html}
author = {Ludger Humbert},
year = {2008},
title = {S60-SuM},
note = {Revision 618},
url = {https://haspe.homeip.net/projekte/ddi/browser/python/S60-SuM/S60-Quellen},
lastchecked = {2012-07-18},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.31}
author = {Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{">Stifte und M{\"a}use"< auf mobilen Systemen}},
journal = {If~Fase},
year = {2006},
volume = {2},
pages = {2},
number = {8},
month = {April},
issn = {1861-0498},
language = {ngerman},
urn = {urn:nbn:de:0043-iffase-08-1}
author = {Ludger Humbert},
title = {Schüler brauchen keine Entwicklungsumgebung – ein Editor reicht aus},
journal = {If~Fase},
year = {2006},
volume = {2},
pages = {2},
number = {13},
month = {November},
lastchecked = {2012-07-04},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.28},
url = {http://humbert.in.hagen.de/iffase/Artikel/programmieren-2006-11-01.html}
author = {Humbert, Ludger and Panske, Janin},
title = {{Informatik und Gender – nehmt die Forschungsergebnisse ernst!}},
journal = {{Frauenarbeit und Informatik}},
year = {2010},
pages = {25–31},
number = {34},
issn = {0944-0925},
lastchecked = {2012-07-10},
url = {http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d2009202/HumbertPanske2010.pdf}
author = {Damon Kohler and others},
title = {Scripting Layer for Android},
year = {2011},
lastchecked = {2012-07-16},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.30},
url = {http://code.google.com/p/android-scripting/}
author = {Linkweiler, Ingo},
title = {{Eignet sich die Skriptsprache Python für schnelle Entwicklungen
im Softwareentwicklungsprozess? – Eine Untersuchung der Programmiersprache
Python im softwaretechnischen und fachdidaktischen Kontext}},
school = {Universität, Fachbereich Informatik, Fachgebiet Didaktik der Informatik},
year = {2002},
type = {Diplomarbeit},
address = {Dortmund},
month = {November},
lastchecked = {2012-06-20},
url = {http://www.ingo-linkweiler.de/diplom/Diplomarbeit.pdf}
title = {{Handy-ABC -- Ein Ratgeber f{\"u}r Eltern}},
author = {LJS},
lastchecked = {2012-07-07},
address = {Hannover},
month = {April},
year = {2010},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.26},
url = {http://handy-liebundteuer.de/Handy_ABC_ELtern_website.pdf}
author = {L{\"o}ffler, Susanne and M{\"u}ller, Dorothee and Panske, Janin and
Heming, Matthias and Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Artefakte und Genderladung -- Konsequenzen f{\"u}r den Informatikunterricht?}},
journal = {magazIn -- halbj{\"a}hrliches Magazin der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
der Bergischen Universit{\"a}t Wuppertal},
year = {2010},
volume = {4},
pages = {29--34},
number = {Wintersemester 2010/11},
month = {Oktober},
url = {http://www.gleichstellung.uni-wuppertal.de/PDF/magazin/magazInWS1011.pdf}
author = {Mattern, Friedemann},
title = {{Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing}},
booktitle = {{Informatiklexikon}},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {2001},
lastchecked = {2012-07-03},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.20},
url = {http://www.gi.de/service/informatiklexikon/detailansicht/article/pervasiveubiquitous-computing.html}
author = {Microsoft},
title = {Windows Phone Marketplace Application Provider Agreement},
month = {Juni},
year = {2011},
lastchecked = {2012-07-08},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.30},
url = {http://create.msdn.com/downloads/?id=638}
author = {Molina-Markham, Andres and Shenoy, Prashant and Fu, Kevin and Cecchet,
Emmanuel and Irwin, David},
title = {{Private Memoirs of a Smart Meter }},
year = {2010},
institution = {Department of Computer Science},
lastchecked = {2012-05-25},
school = {University of Massachusetts Amherst},
url = {http://www.cs.umass.edu/~kevinfu/papers/molina-markham-buildsys10.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{KIM 2010. Kinder + Medien, Computer + Internet}},
institution = {MPFS},
year = {2011},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Suttgart},
month = {Februar},
note = {Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverband S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-20},
owner = {daniel},
timestamp = {2012.07.21},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/KIM-pdf10/KIM2010.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2011. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2011},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf11/JIM-Studie2011.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2010. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2010},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf10/JIM2010.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2009. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2009},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf09/JIM-Studie2009.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2008. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2008},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf08/JIM-Studie\_2008.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2007. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2007},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf07/JIM-Studie2007.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2006. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2006},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf06/JIM-Studie\_2006.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2005. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2005},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/Studien/JIM2005.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2004. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2004},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/Studien/JIM2004.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2003. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2003},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/Studien/JIM2003.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2002. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2002},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/Studien/JIM2002.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2001. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2001},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/Studien/JIM2001.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 2000. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {2000},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/Studien/JIM2000.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 1999. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {1999},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/Studien/JIM1999.pdf}
author = {{MPFS}},
title = {{JIM 1998. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung
zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}},
institution = {mpfs},
year = {1998},
type = {Forschungsbericht},
address = {Stuttgart},
month = {November},
note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest},
lastchecked = {2012-06-01},
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/Studien/JIM1998.pdf}
author = {M{\"u}ller, Dorothee and Aust, Anne and Gabriel, Peter and Sch{\"a}fer,
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title = {{SpionCamp}},
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author = {Dorothee Müller},
title = {Fachdidaktisch begründete Auswahl von Informatiksystemen für den
booktitle = {Informatik in Bildung und Beruf},
year = {2011},
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volume = {P-189},
series = {Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)},
pages = {167-176},
address = {Bonn},
organization = {Gesellschaft für Informatik},
publisher = {Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH},
note = {14. GI-Fachtagung \flqq Informatik und Schule – INFOS 2011\frqq\
12.-15. September 2011 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität
isbn = {978-3-88579-283-3},
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title = {Welcome: \$35 tablet for education},
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author = {Pickert, NadineH},
title = {{Mobile Systeme als Thema des Informatikunterrichts}},
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address = {Paderborn},
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title = {Big Brother im Bücherschrank -- Amazon löscht E-Books},
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title = {Informatik mit Java - Eine Einf{\"u}hrung mit BlueJ und der Bibliothek
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title = {Apple nimmt OS X Lion aus dem Mac App Store},
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author = {Daniel Spittank},
title = {Mobile Informatiksysteme in der Schule},
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note = {Präsentation im Rahmen der Didaktik der Informatik},
lastchecked = {2012-07-28},
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author = {Siegfried Spolwig},
title = {\glqq Von Stiften und Mäusen\grqq\ oder Was heißt objektorientierte
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author = {Stechert, Peer},
title = {{Fachdidaktische Diskussion von Informatiksystemen und der Kompetenzentwicklung
im Informatikunterricht}},
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title = {{Datenschutz bei Apps -- Welche Apps Ihre Daten aussp{\"a}hen}},
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title = {{Court rejects AVM's claims opposing third party modifications of
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annote = {... Der wertvollste Schatz einer Nation seien die Kinder von 6 bis
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f{\"u}r {\"u}berfl{\"u}ssig, diese Techniken sollten dabei helfen,
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