
	\node[osGen,osPhone] (iPOS) {iPh. OS $\leq$ 3.1};
	\node[osGen,osMob,below=of iPOS] (iPOS32) {iPh. OS 3.2};
	\node[osGen,osMob,below=of iPOS32] (iOS42) {iOS 4.2};
	\node[osGen,osMobEmb,below=of iOS42] (iOS) {iOS $\geq$ 4.3};

	\node[osGen,osPC,left=0.5cm of iOS] (mSLion) {Mac OS X 10.8};
	\node[osGen,osPC,above=of mSLion] (mLion) {Mac OS X 10.7};
	\node[osGen,osPC,minimum height=2.15cm,above=of mLion] (mOSX) {Mac OS X};

	\node[osGen,osEmb,left=3.5cm of iPOS] (osATV) {Mac OS X ATV};

	\draw[pkrn] (mOSX.south) ++(-0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
	\draw[pkrn] (mLion.south) ++(-0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);

	\draw[pkrn] (iPOS.south) ++(-0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
	\draw[pkrn] (iPOS32.south) ++(-0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
	\draw[pkrn] (iOS42.south) ++(-0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);

	\draw[pkrn] (mOSX.west) ++(0,0.65cm) -- +(-0.5cm,0);
	\draw[pkrn] (mOSX.east) ++(0,0.65cm) -- +(0.5cm,0);

	\draw[pui, dashed] (mOSX.south)  ++(0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
	\draw[pui, dashed] (mLion.south)  ++(0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);

	\draw[pui, dashed] (iPOS.south)  ++(0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
	\draw[pui, dashed] (iPOS32.south)  ++(0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
	\draw[pui, dashed] (iOS42.south)  ++(0.15cm,0) -- +(0,-0.5cm);
	\draw[pui, dashed] (iOS42.west) -- (mLion.east);
	\draw[pui, dashed] (iOS.west) -- (mSLion.east);

	% Legende

	\node[] at (3.6cm,0.85cm) (osLegendPos) {};

	\node[below=of osLegendPos] (osLegendTitle) {\bfseries Legende};

	\matrix [below=0.15cm of osLegendTitle,row sep=0.1cm,column sep=0.1cm] (osLegend) {
		\node[osGen,osPC,osLegend]{}; & \node[osLegendText]{Desktop OS}; \\
		\node[osGen,osEmb,osLegend]{}; & \node[osLegendText]{Embedded OS};\\
		\node[osGen,osMob,osLegend]{}; & \node[osLegendText]{Mobiles OS};\\ 
		\node[osGen,osPhone,osLegend]{}; & \node[osLegendText]{Smartphone OS}; \\
		\draw[dashed] +(-0.25cm,-0.25cm) -- +(0.25cm,-0.25cm); & \node[osLegendText]{Stark angepasst}; \\
		\draw[pkrn] +(-0.25cm,-0.25cm) -- +(0.25cm,-0.25cm); & \node[osLegendText]{System- \& Dienstprog.}; \\
		\draw[pui] +(-0.25cm,-0.25cm) -- +(0.25cm,-0.25cm); & \node[osLegendText]{Benutzungs-schnittstelle};  \\

	\draw (osLegend.north east) rectangle (osLegend.south west);
	\draw (osLegend.north east) ++(0,0.8cm) rectangle (osLegend.south west);
