% This file was created with JabRef 2.10. % Encoding: UTF-8 @Electronic{AppleMoloch, Title = {Apple wird zum Bildungsmoloch}, Author = {Tarik Ahmia}, Month = {1}, Url = {http://werkstatt.bpb.de/2012/01/apple-wird-zum-bildungs-moloch/}, Year = {2012}, Journal = {werkstatt.bpb.de}, LastChecked = {2012-07-27}, Owner = {daniel}, Publischer = {Bundeszentrale f\"ur politische Bildung}, Timestamp = {2012.07.29} } @Electronic{trojaniron, Title = {Russia: Hidden chips 'launch spam attacks from irons'}, Author = {BBC}, Language = {en}, Month = {10}, Organization = {BBC}, Url = {http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/24707337}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {daniel}, Timestamp = {2014.02.05} } @MastersThesis{Carrie2006, Title = {{Einsatz mobiler Informatiksysteme im Informatikunterricht der gymnasialen Oberstufe}}, Author = {Carrie, Ralph}, School = {Studienseminar f{\"u}r Lehr{\"a}mter an Schulen -- Seminar f{\"u}r das Lehramt f{\"u}r Gymnasien Gesamtschulen}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Hamm}, Month = {7}, Type = {{Hausarbeit gem{\"a}{\ss} OVP}}, LastChecked = {2012-06-12}, Url = {http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/315319} } @Electronic{Gamification, Title = {Gamification: Toward a Definition}, Author = {Sebastian Deterding and Dan Dixon and Rilla Khaled and Lennart E. 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M{\"u}nsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik -- 7. Mai 2012}}, Year = {2012}, Editor = {Thomas, Marco and Weigend, Michael}, Month = {5}, Pages = {151--161}, Publisher = {Books on Demand GmbH}, ISBN = {978-3-84820-181-5}, Location = {Norderstedt} } @InProceedings{HumbertMWS2008, Title = {{Informatik und Gender -- nehmt die Forschungsergebnisse ernst!}}, Author = {Humbert, Ludger}, Booktitle = {{Interesse wecken und Grundkenntnisse vermitteln -- 3.~M{\"u}nsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik}}, Year = {2008}, Month = {5}, Note = {\url{http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d1068247/2008-05-07\_MWS-GenderErnstNehmen.pdf} -- gepr{\"u}ft: 24.~Februar~2011 -- erweiterte Fassung des Beitrags siehe: \cite{HumbertPanske2010}}, Pages = {81--90}, Language = {ngerman}, Url = {http://www.ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d1068247/2008-05-07\_MWS-GenderErnstNehmen.pdf} } @Electronic{HumPy, Title = {{Mit Python auf dem Mobiltelefon bis ins Zentralabitur}}, Author = {Humbert, Ludger}, Month = {4}, Url = {http://humbert.in.hagen.de/iffase/Artikel/programmieren-2007-04-01.html}, Year = {2007}, Journal = {If~Fase}, Number = {17}, Pages = {2}, Volume = {3} } @Article{HumbertProgrammieren, Title = {Schüler brauchen keine Entwicklungsumgebung – ein Editor reicht aus}, Author = {Ludger Humbert}, Journal = {If~Fase}, Year = {2006}, Month = {11}, Number = {13}, Pages = {2}, Volume = {2}, LastChecked = {2012-07-04}, Owner = {daniel}, Timestamp = {2012.07.28}, Url = {http://humbert.in.hagen.de/iffase/Artikel/programmieren-2006-11-01.html} } @PhdThesis{LinkweilerDA2002, Title = {{Eignet sich die Skriptsprache Python f\"ur schnelle Entwicklungen im Softwareentwicklungsprozess? – Eine Untersuchung der Programmiersprache Python im softwaretechnischen und fachdidaktischen Kontext}}, Author = {Linkweiler, Ingo}, School = {Universität, Fachbereich Informatik, Fachgebiet Didaktik der Informatik}, Year = {2002}, Address = {Dortmund}, Month = {11}, Type = {Diplomarbeit}, LastChecked = {2012-06-20}, Url = {http://www.ingo-linkweiler.de/diplom/Diplomarbeit.pdf} } @TechReport{MPFS2014, Title = {{JIM 2014. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}}, Author = {{MPFS}}, Institution = {mpfs}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Stuttgart}, Month = {11}, Note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest}, Type = {Forschungsbericht}, Owner = {daniel}, Timestamp = {2015.01.05}, Url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf14/JIMStudie2014.pdf‎} } @TechReport{MPFS2013, Title = {{JIM 2013. Jugend, Information, (Mul\-ti-)Me\-dia. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-J{\"a}hriger in Deutschland}}, Author = {{MPFS}}, Institution = {mpfs}, Year = {2013}, Address = {Stuttgart}, Month = {11}, Note = {MPFS -- Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverbund S{\"u}dwest}, Type = {Forschungsbericht}, LastChecked = {2012-06-01}, Owner = {daniel}, Timestamp = {2014.02.05}, Url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf13/JIMStudie2013.pdf‎} } @Misc{SpittankNetEduMobile, Title = {https://edu.spittank.net/downloads/mobile}, Author = {Daniel Spittank}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {daniel}, Timestamp = {2015.04.30}, } @Patent{AmazonAnticipatoryPatent, Title = {Method and system for anticipatory package shipping}, Nationality = {US}, Number = {US 8,615,473}, Year = {2013}, Yearfiled = {2013}, Assignee = {Amazon Technnologies, Inc.}, Author = {Spiegel and McKenna and Lakshman and Nordstrom}, Day = {24}, Month = {12}, Monthfiled = {August}, Url = {http://pdfpiw.uspto.gov/.piw?Docid=08615473}, Owner = {daniel}, Timestamp = {2014.02.05} } @MastersThesis{SpittankExamen, Title = {{Auswahl und Gestaltung mobiler Informatiksysteme f\"ur den Einsatz im Informatikunterricht}}, Author = {Spittank, Daniel}, School = {Bergische Universi{\"a}t -- Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften}, Year = {2012}, Address = {Wuppertal}, Month = {8}, Type = {{Staatsexamensarbeit}}, LastChecked = {2012-05-10}, Owner = {daniel}, Timestamp = {2014.02.05}, Url = {https://edu.spittank.net/downloads/mobile/examensarbeit.pdf} } @Misc{Spittank2011, Title = {Mobile Informatiksysteme in der Schule}, Author = {Daniel Spittank}, Month = {11}, Note = {Präsentation im Rahmen der Didaktik der Informatik}, Year = {2011}, LastChecked = {2012-07-28}, Owner = {daniel}, Timestamp = {2012.07.26}, Url = {http://edu.spittank.net/downloads/mobile/ddivortrag2011.pdf} } @Misc{OMP, Title = {{Our Mobile Planet Survey}}, Author = {TMS-Infratest and Ipsos and Ipsos-MediaCT and MMA-Mobile-Marketing-Association}, Note = {gepr{\"u}ft: 07.~Juli~2012}, Year = {2012}, Editor = {Google, Inc.}, Location = {Mountain View, CA, USA}, Owner = {daniel}, Publisher = {Google, Inc.}, Timestamp = {2014.02.06}, Url = {http://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/mobileplanet/de} }